Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Whistling Dissent

It seems to me that my generation are pretty fed up with the way that the government feels no attachment to them.
Sure, there are certain individuals in the government who listen to the populace, perhaps only for their own advancement, perhaps for more noble reasons. But the over all thing that pisses us all off is how our great and noble christian prime minister ignores the voice of the country.
Just look at the protests over the war in Iraq, and Israel's jollies in the Lebanon. Yet dear Uncle Tony just follows the lead of the puppet Bush across the pond. It's tragic.

Here's my theory.

I think that if you feel fed up with the way the country is being run, that the government is ignoring our voices and that democracy should refocus in on the people, there should be some subtle way of making your voice heard.
Badges are too easy. How about something slightly more abstract.

A conspiracy of whistling is what I propose.

If you feel that the government no longer has any connection to you and your voice, I propose that you whistle a short refrain to show your dissent.
Now what tune should it be? It has to be something very well known. Zippedee Doo Dah? No... To annoying...
The first two lines of Singing in the Rain? Now that seems vaguely appropriate to me. Everyone knows it, and it's easy to whistle.

When you find yourself in a crowded place whistle the first two lines of singing in the rain once or twice.
If you hear some one whistling singing in the rain, I propose that you join in, as an echo of your own dissent.

Imagine that you get off the train or the underground one morning and you start to whistle the refrain. Anyone else knowing the refrain then whistles along with you.
Imagine in a few months time that many people may know of dissent by whistling.
Imagine a whole train station of people whistling singing in the rain.
Imagine a whole high street...

"I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain, what a glorius feeling, I'm happy again"...


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